Logistical Advantages of MPC Tanks for Hydraulic Fracturing
MPC Containment’s Collapsible Storage Tanks support the Oil and Gas Industry’s focus on quick, efficient deployment.
Ship over 25,000 barrels worth of MPC Collapsible Storage Tanks using one flatbed trailer
Fewer trucks mean less road damage, better community relations, less time and cost, and increased safety
Deploy nearly 12,000 barrels of storage in one hour using only one all-terrain forklift
MPC Field Technicians and Project Managers, with years of experience, are available across North America on short notice
No site-prep is required in most cases
5,000 barrel MPC Tanks have fewer connections than steel tanks, which means less work, less hosing, and less leakage
Customize each individual tank and/or the layout and footprint of your entire storage depot
MPC’s unbeatable lead times mean you’ll get your project underway faster than with any other solution
MPC Fluid Management Systems can be quickly disassembled and mobilized multiple times. Our systems are built from incredibly durable and flexible materials, and they are proven to withstand years of use and abuse in the field. Thousands of MPC Collapsible Storage Tanks are in deployment around the world today.